Boothbay Region Garden Club

At our July monthly Boothbay Region Garden Club (BRGC), the two college students receiving our financial scholarships, came to briefly recap their Freshman experiences with our members.
BRGC supports horticulture based education, and we provide a four(4) year scholarship to two (2) local students at the Boothbay Region Highschool, who share our interest. It is today’s students who will be the leaders of tomorrow, ensuring the preservation of our natural resources.

Della Hahn is going to start her second year at Sewanee-University of the South, in Sewanee, TN. She will be receiving a $3,000 scholarship each year to continue in her chosen field of Environment studies and Sustainability.
Grace Campbell is also entering her second year, at Stony Brook University in New York, focusing on Marine Sciences, and will receive the same financial support.
Our program was ”Summer Inspirations” and attendees brought their favorite vase and some of their own garden flowers, which were added to those purchased by the Club, to create an arrangement to share with families or friends.
Everyone then enjoyed a Pot Luck lunch. Our two college students pleased everyone by joining in to make their own personal bouquets. It’s refreshing to have young people share in our Club’s activities and they were so enthusiastic about it!
Susan Stapleton, Chair, Scholarship committee
Boothbay Region Garden Club supports horticulture-based education and we provide four-year scholarships to students who share our interests and commitment to our natural resources.
It is today’s students that will be the leaders
of tomorrow, ensuring the preservation of our natural resources of the planet Earth.
Applicants majoring in: Horticulture, Floriculture, Landscape Design, Conservation, Forestry,
Botany, Agronomy, Plant Pathology, Environmental Concerns, Ecology, Land Management,
and/or other garden-related fields are eligible to receive our club scholarships.
For the academic year 2022-2023, the Boothbay Region Garden Club has provided $3,000 scholarships to two, 2022 Boothbay Region High School graduates, freshmen at Sewanee
University of the South (environment and sustainability) and Stony Brook University (marine sciences).
These scholarships will continue for four years, provided the students remain in their chosen or related fields and in good academic standing.
The Boothbay Region YMCA Campership Program was awarded $5,000 to provide financial assistance to families who otherwise could not afford to send their children to camp.
The named Boothbay Region Garden Club Fund scholarship is awarded annually through the Boothbay Region Student Aid Fund.
Garden Club Federation of Maine continues scholarship programs in memory of deceased Club members.

Former Committee Chair Jane Lunt and current scholarship recipients: Grace Campbell and Della Hahn
Press here and here to learn how the Garden Club raises money for the Scholarships
Fundraising for Scholarships
Boathouse Barbecue 6.16.23
Ida Lancaster, Host

Garden Art and Bird Feeders in Teacups Workshop 5.4.23
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