Boothbay Region Garden Club

Youth Education
Edgecomb Eddy School Pollinator Garden
Requested by Sarah Currier – 4th grade teacher
In conjunction with the ReTreeUS group for the Orchard construction in the Fall.
Per Sarah, ReTreeUS requires a pollinator garden to be in placed prior to the installation of the orchard. Through our website, Sarah contacted the Boothbay Region Garden Club for assistance with the pollinator garden.
Civic Development committee (Kevin B and Karen I) worked together to gather plants (some donated (Diane Spear’s daylilies, Coastal Maine Botantical Garden)) to fulfill the 10’ x 10’ garden.
Monday, May 22, Kevin and Karen met with the different classes (grades 1 through 3) to plant the plants provided by the Garden Club and for the 2nd grade class, their own seedlings. Each child was instructed on how to plant a potted plant, and then they were able to plant multiple plants in the garden. Afterwards, they were eager to maintain the garden by watering and possibly weeding. They were all very enthusiastic about helping in the garden. We look forward to this new pollinator garden in the region.